Love Letters to Wellington

Love Letters to Wellington

Monday, 3 February 2014

A criminal elephant

When my children were quite young we took them to the zoo. We had a lunch in a bag - and we were near the elephant which was tethered outside. When we went past the elephant took my bag - which contained my wallet and car keys - everything! I couldn't get it back! When we told one of the keepers they gave us money and said to return the next day after the elephant had been to the toilet and they would give back the keys + whatever else had survived. This would have been in about 1969 or 1970.

1 comment:

  1. This story has really resonated with Museum visitors and it has started a lovely dialogue on the wall! One person wrote about the elephant keeper which has been posted here:
    And another visitor has left a note that says "My Dad worked at the zoo late 60s early 70s. It may have been him that got your bag back". It's so great to see how many people have interconnected stories in Wellington!
